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Support Measures for Students with Orthopedic/Mobility Impairment
1.Accommodations in class
(1) Seating arrangements
●Seat reservations
Upon consultation with the student, we may install a priority seating area that is easy for the student to use, for example near the entrance to the classroom. We ask for your cooperation in securing this seat by asking other students to move if they are sitting in the priority seating area.
●Consideration for movements around the classroom
If students need to move to different seats when doing group work, please make adjustments to the placement of the groups to ensure the disabled student’s movements are kept to a minimum.
(2) Submissions in class
●Consideration for writing time
Some students with orthopedic/mobility impairments may have difficulty writing on paper and need extra time, and it can be hard for them to submit attendance cards or reports before the end of the class. Please consider making accommodations for these students such as allowing extra writing time, or allowing submission after class.
●Allowing alternative submission methods
For students who have difficulty writing by hand, please consider alternative submission methods such as handing in a document that a scribe has produced from orally-relayed information, or a report that the student produces on a computer after the class is over.
(3) Other
●Consider accommodations for lateness
Students who use wheelchairs, or who need more time to walk, may have trouble making it to their next class before the official start time. Please give consideration to these students if they happen to be late by not disadvantaging them when marking attendance.
●Consider hiring a teaching assistant (TA)
If you think a TA may be needed to help with experiments or practical activities, please speak to the support implementation officer of the student’s faculty or research school, or the ODE.
2.Accommodations for exams
Please consider the following kinds of accommodations for exams, in accordance with the orthopedic/mobility impaired student’s situation. The student and support implementation officer will discuss the specific situation with you before the exam, after having spoken with the ODE.
●Allowing the student to bring assistive tools or writing implements
e.g. Allow the use of attachments / allow use of anti-slip mats, etc.
●Changing methods of answering exam questions
e.g. Allow student to type answers on a laptop computer / use of a scribe to write down the student’s answers / voice recordings of the student’s answers / use of an answer paper prepared in accordance with the student’s needs, etc.
●Changing methods of examination
e.g. Switching to an oral exam / switching to a report, etc.
●Adjusting the exam date or time
Extending the exam duration / letting the student use a separate room if there is another exam in the room after the student’s exam, or if the student has more than one exam that day (upon consultation with the support implementation officer).
For students who have difficulty writing, whether or not they will be able to take the exam successfully is a big source of anxiety. The examination method needs to be thoroughly confirmed in advance. If the student has consecutive exams on the same day, the student can suffer from fatigued arms, making the burden of writing even heavier. If necessary, please consider an alternative exam method for the student.